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Fan Lamps

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Pattern CDs
  Paned Expressions Pattern CDs

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Harmony Glass

Paned Expressions Pattern CDs

We are very pleased to off you the complete line of Paned Expressions Pattern CD's. We are very impressed with the large number of beautiful designs on each CD. Each design on the CD is a full size stained glass pattern that you can print with your computer printer. If the pattern is larger than the paper it is printed on, your printer will print it on several pages that you can tape together. Many copy stores can print your pattern on a single large piece of paper if you take them the file or the CD. (You might need to take your CD with you to the copy store to show that you actually purchased it).

You can also resize the stained glass patterns on your computer before you print them. Any graphic arts program can be used to resize the patterns. If you don't have any graphics programs installed on our computer, you can always use Windows Paint which comes with all Windows computers. A drawback to using Windows Paint for resizing is that it will only let you resize the pattern by percentages or pixels, not inches, so it's a little difficult to determine the final size of your stained glass window. Another fun thing you will be able to do with any graphics program is to color your chosen stained glass design with whatever colors you like.

Click on the CDs for a large sampling of the patterns!
Paned Expressions #PE-1
"Our Favorite Patterns"
Patterns of nature, animals, fantasy and flowers. Over 100 designs.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-2
Pure Fantasy
Over 50 mystical patterns including dragons, wizards, trolls, fairies and gnomes.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-3
Catch the Light

Over 90 suncatcher and holiday designs including fan lamps and corner treatments.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-4
Oceans and Islands

Over 60 tropical themed designs for stained glass including florals, island scenes, and under water & over the water scenes

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-5
In Full Bloom I
Over 80 stained glass floral designs including entryways, firescreens, fan lamps, panels, and lanterns.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-6
Into Africa

Over 80 African themed patterns including wildlife, landscapes, and tribal designs.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-7
Nature's Bounty I

Over 100 beautiful stained glass designs of animals, seascapes, landscapes, and more.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #CD-8
West by Southwest
Over 90 beautiful designs for stained glass featuring many facets of the southwest including Native Americans, cowboys, animals, landscapes, and more.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-9
Screen Gems
Over 80 room screen and fireplace screen patterns. Includes assembly instructions and sources for room screen framing.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-10
Kid's Stuff?
Over 60 fun stained glass designs based on children's fairy tales, fables, and nursery rhymes.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-12
Playin' Games

Over 80 designs encompassing almost every sport. Included are several patterns for fan lamps in addition to stained glass panels.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-13
Mirror Image

Over 90 designs for mirrors, many of which can also be used for regular windows. Styles include modern, Victorian, art deco, nature, and people with full instructions for assembly.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-14
Stained Glass Lite

Designs on a Diet - 100 pieces or Less
Over 130 designs in all varieties.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-15
From Russia with Love
Over 70 very nice designs of all types from Russian artists.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-16
In Full Bloom II
Nearly 80 flower patterns from asters to zinnias

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-17
Water, Water Everywhere

by Hartman's Glass Art
Over 70 wonderful stained glass designs all water related - seascapes, marine life, nautical themes, tropical landscapes, and more.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-19
Orient Espress...ions

by Atelier Design
Nearly 80 wonderful Oriental themed stained glass and mosaic patterns.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-20

Nearly 120 wonderful, traditional designs from the 1800's and early 1900's

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-21
Pattern ProFUSION

by Hartman's Glass Art
Over 60 designs for fused glass. You must have a kiln for these designs, however some of them can easily be adapted to traditional stained glass designs.
This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-22
All Critters Great & Small

Over 130 animal designs including many dogs and cats. Paned Expressions makes a contribution to the US Humane Society and ASPCA for each CD sold.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-23

Over 100 colorful stained glass designs illustrating the many ways we get from here to there.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-24
Flower of Elyse

Fifty-Seven of Elyse's full-size, bold, beautiful, and breathtaking florals translated into stunning stained glass.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #
Paned Expressions #PE-25
Don't Slam That Cabinet Door!

Over 130 stained glass designs for cabinet doors.

This CD normally ships the next business day
Click on the CD cover for photos of some of the included designs.
Item #

© Harmony Glass